Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 273

Its been an interesting day.  My daughters first day of seventh grade...that pulls at my heart strings a bit.  Then I went to the dentist.  Luckily even though I have not been to the dentist for a couple of years (yikes!)  I didn't have any cavities.  I do have some unhappy gums in places, so I will work on that.

Blood sugar this am:  93  Rather surprising!
I quickly exercised this morning 3 minutes a 6 mph of a 10 min walk and then some abs and arms with 12 lb weights. 20 pushups as well.  The car pool arrived at 7:20 so that made it a shorter time frame than I expected.  I ate some oatmeal, showered and got my son off to school then took the youngest to my parents.   The dentist is a 10 min walk from their house so I got in some more steps.  Felt good to get out and walk.

After we got home my son wanted to have popcorn so the first thing my mouth ate after being so clean was popcorn.  It tasted really good.  I also had some toaster strudel and green smoothie...I finished it off.  :(   It's been really tasty!

I was exhausted so kicked back and read a book for a bit, falling asleep for a bit in the process.  Picked a peach from my tree in the back yard and ate it.  Delicious!  Then ran to the store grabbing some stuff for hubby.
We got some donuts for a treat for the kids after school...I had one as well.

For dinner we went for a drive and ate Arctic Circle in the car.   WE had a hankering for oreo shakes and so I got everyone one.   Ummmm bad decision.  The boys didn't eat theirs.  I ate way too much and my daughter and I were feeling a little sick afterwards.  Oh well...Note to self.  I can share with the 4 year old and don't order a full meal if I am not feeling very hungry. 

Not a bad day all in all.  Grateful for a great new dentist.   A beautiful peach tree that has tons of yummy peaches on it (anyone want a peach?) and a good book to read.  :)

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