Friday, August 28, 2015

Healthy Journey 276

Very busy day.   Started out with 10 minutes on the treadmill, showered and then ate yogurt with a peach and granola.  Yum.    Ran to take my son to school.  Went to the carwash, finished cleaning the car and then back home to get my daughter ready.  She had a late start today.  Seems silly. But ok.   After dropping the girls off, I went to the bank to meet my hubby and sign some paperwork. 
We headed to costco after that.  Getting stuff for hubby and salmon for dinner tomorrow.   Found a new cajun spice we want to try. 

At home I grabbed some mini chocolate chip muffins that my daughter had made for breakfast.  Then realized I was exhausted.   Laid down for a  little bit so I could start thinking again.
Lunch was tuna salad with cucumbers.   Pretty tasty. 
While I finished up my lunch, hubby called saying he was heading home.  He took an early day off from work and we hung out most of the rest of the day.  I ran to the building to check the security cameras and make sure it was all locked up.  I snacked on watermelon and tortilla chips.  Dropped by the store on the way home. To pick up hotdogs for dinner.  I was hungry enough that all the sweets tempted me...I held off on most that I would have usually picked up.   Victory!   We had garlic bread and hot dogs for dinner.  Turned out pretty good considering.  :)

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