Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 266

Today has been a tad bit traumatic for me.   I took my son in to have 4 teeth pulled.  Not fun.   His poor mouth is so crowded.  He was a trooper.  Did everything asked of him.  Me I was a nervous wreck!

Blood sugar 103
Exercise:   Treadmill for 10 mins (2 at 6 mph)  Weights, pushups.  Chest and back, static lunges, jumping jacks.

Breakfast:  Scrambled eggs, oatmeal with a Tablespoon of brown sugar and 1/2 cup raspberries  (right on plan!!)
Snack:   Baby bell cheese and cherries
Lunch:   A roll with turkey and swiss
Snack:  Ice cream  (emotional eating!)  Brownies (more emotional eating!)
Dinner:  Chicken.  I made an amazing recipe I found.  It turned out amazing and I must do it again!!    Click this link to see the recipe:   Add to Plan to Eat

It is a rare occasion that I try something new and everyone loves it.  !!  SUCCESS!!  :)

Now I feel a little nauseated and am ready to go to bed.   Tomorrow should be a better day.  :)

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