Monday, August 17, 2015

My dream world--at least a portion of it. :)

I had a dream last night that a friend invited me to a movie.   This was a friend I hadn't seen for a while, and I wasn't sure what the movie was.   We sat down in the theater around 8 am and started watching the previews.  I had someone else I knew come and sit close and we changed seats moving down so they could sit by us.   I had a huge handful of medication that I realized I was supposed to have taken, but was just holding on to it.  There was a documentary of sorts on the screen about a baby with a brain injury of sorts and how the family dealt with it.   I thought it was just a preview but it turned out that was the movie.   I remember being disappointed because I wanted to see something different.  But yet it was over before I even realized it had started.

I made my way through the dark theater and continued into another room.   It was really dark and I was going through the back recesses of the theater, empty rooms until I was on the second level walking out the double doors that they have the premiers, "red carpet" and celebrities enter through.
It is still very dark and I find that I come to a set of stairs going down.  Some of the stairs are see through and because of the darkness I have to move very slowly.  I am very frightened but am able to continue down anyway, after a little hesitation.  At the bottom of the staircase it is rocky, icy and snowy.   I try a couple paths and then see one that the security guards use so follow that one down the rest of the steep section of ground.   I am now with a crowd of people in the foyer of the theater.  I start going towards the exit with the group that is heading out.   I notice off to the side that there is several women, a royalty, in formal dresses and sashes waiting for people to come and get autographs and pictures.  After noticing them I hide my eyes and my head avoiding contact.   I have a necklace in my hand that is very ornate.  Two that could be one.   I am holding it up contemplating it as I exit the theater walking by a security guard that says "hug points and kisses"   A large part of the necklace was a star.  I nod in agreement with the guard and walk into the dark parking lot.   Pulling out my keys I walk over to my vehicle that is in the dark area of the lot.  Parked next to possibly the only other vehicle.  As I am about to climb in, the people from within the car next to me call me the name of the character of a show I have been watching.  I nod as they continue a comment and I am getting in my own car and then I wake up.  

Dreams are so crazy.   I know that this one has to do a lot with the changes I am making in my life.   I like to analyze my dreams and use the dreammoods app to do so.  You can also find it on   Here are what some of the things from my dream mean:   (Parts in quotations are taken directly from the dreammoods app.  Thanks Dreammoods!)
"To dream that you are in a movie theater indicates you are attempting to protect yourself from your emotions.  Viewing them on a movie screen projects them onto another person and thus makes those feelings and actions seem more distant.  Your subconscious is trying to protect you from experiencing them directly."   This is very interesting because my brother had a brain aneurysm.  The "movie" was about the family of this child and how they dealt with emotions.   Perhaps I feel that I didn't take advantage of the time I had to spend with him.  My family doesn't express emotion very well, so my psyche attempting to protect myself from this is not a surprise.   I wonder if I was actually disappointed with the "movie" or the fact that I wasn't paying attention while it was on. 

"To dream that you are taking medicine represents a period of emotional and spiritual healing.  It also indicates that the troubles you are experiencing are only temporary.  Things will workout in the long run."  I am continually attempting to make changes, so I figured this went along with that.  However looking into it more now.  I believe it represents the healing I am going through after my brother's death.   It has been more than two years now.  But I think it takes a while. 

"To dream that darkness comes upon you signifies failure in some work that you are attempting."   I know this has to do with my journey.  I keep false starting only half attempting and not accomplishing.   However in my dream I was able to keep going.  Even through the scary parts.   Instead of this being a negative thing I find that it is acknowledging where I am and where I am going.

"To dream you are a princess indicates that you are realizing your full potential."  Only in my dream I hid my head in shame when I saw the princesses.  "To see a princess in your dream represents the object of your affections or desires."  I think I am hiding a bit from my potential.  Only doing just enough and not following through. 

"To dream that you are walking on a red carpet represents your desire to be admired and looked up to.  You are seeking validation and acknowledgement for your achievements."   This is interesting because I was in the dark.."failure"  and walking out backwards.  So I am not wanting the admiration however want to be counted as worthy to be there.   I do want validation.   I do desire acknowledgement.  However I don't ask for it.  I hide away...hiding.  That seems to be a consistent theme. 

"To see a staircase in your dream symbolizes change and transformation.  To dream of an incomplete staircase or steps missing from the staircase implies that you are trying to move on to the next phase or stage without accomplishing all the necessary steps.  You are trying to take shortcuts"   Very interesting.   Definitely on the change a transformation track.   This makes me think of all the habits I keep attempting to create.   Yet I don't make them habits.   Perhaps it just comes down to the fact that I need to be patient and stick with the basics, until. 

"To see or wear a necklace in your dream represents unsatisfied desires."  Yes...I feel I could do and be so much more than I allow myself to be.  

Have you ever analyzed your dreams?  I found it so very interesting, and I get a lot of insight into myself every time I do it.   Share below!

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