Sunday, August 30, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 278

Sunday.   Weigh-in time.   I thought about skipping but then realized I want to have a starting point as I start with the trainer again this week and also am working on planning meals better.   It was 198.  I know I have not been drinking enough that may be the cause.  Either way I'm not stressing about it.

Blood sugar 93.   I don't know why I doubt it.   But I do...  I know that it is a number and I need not doubt...but I am.

I ate an egg, peach (yum!! I picked all the peaches off our tree yesterday.  They are so big and juicy!) and some chocolate mini muffins...yum

Snack...more chocolate mini muffins

We snacked on Skittles and GUmmi worms after church....I used them in Primary.  We played Sing or Dare.  The kids got to pick a song or a dare like:  everyone gets a candy, or lay on the floor and say I love primary 3 times.  It was fun.   Both time the candy dare was pulled out at the very end.  I was surprised...couldn't have planned it better if I had tried.

I had a BLT after church as well

For dinner we ate smoked salmon.   I found a new cajun spice on amazon that we tried.   Can't say it was much different than the penzeys one. 

Took the kids outside for 20 minutes before bedtime.  IT was fun to wander and enjoy the outdoors for a little while.   I spent most of the day reading a book and it was good to get real sunlight.   

Well off to bed I go.   I am working to be up before the kids are, hard now that my daughters alarm goes off at 6:15!!  I am working to be more dedicated and have greater follow through with my goals
 this week.  So getting all stars in Home Routines and planning meals/exercise.  I'm going to do it!!   WIsh me well. :)

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