Sunday, August 23, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 270

I have not done a very good job tracking my food lately.   I had a toastser strudel for breakfast and then snacked most of the day until dinner.  It was one of those days where I felt I was on task and doing great and then hubby called and reminded me that it actually takes 5-6 hours to smoke our ribs, not the four I had been thinking.  We had invited his sister and family over for dinner so this wasn't a good thing!  
I got the ribs on and then go out a bit later to check heat.   Turns out that somehow the pellets didn't catch on fire, no smoke, no flame until I had the lid open and poof!   Smoke and flame city.   I had to empty out the smoker and vacuum up the little bits of burning wood pellets.   This happened to burn the vacuum filter and melt the bottom of the vacuum container.   Needless to say I was begining to feel I was a harbinger of chaos!

We finally got everything cooking, it all turned out great.  We had a great visit and great food.  I cut up some veggies and made a shrimp and a jello salad.  rolls on the side.  Crackers and hummus as well as smoked salmon.  yum!  That hummus is good.  My daughter even liked it!

Lots of cleaning...I did 15 min of exercise, and cleaned a lot the rest of the day.   We took a quick errand trip around....

Well I am falling asleep while typing.   So good night!  Tomorrow will be a new day!  ;)

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