Thursday, August 13, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 261

I'm working to get back on track.  I've let myself get distracted....but there has been progress.  Last night I was in bed with lights out before 10.  Yay!   Got up earlier this morning.   Definite progress.

Breakfast:  1 clementine, toaster strudel
Snack:  Muffin
Treadmill, 20 min with some 6 mph intervals.  Weights shoulders and ab bicycles

Lunch:   Chicken and bean stuff, bananacream (made a few days ago) and vanilla ice cream with butterscotch.  The bananacream was not cutting it!

I spent a lot of time decluttering today.  I think it overwhelmed my normal coping measures.  I found I was definitely emotionally eating.  Not sure what feelings it brought up but getting rid of clothes even the ones I didn't like was really hard!

My closet is much emptier now though!

Dinner:   Muffin,  bacon.

Not nearly enough water.   I feel like my allergies are really getting to me.  I have the sniffles and my eye is watery...really hate allergies!  I've even been taking an allergy medication!

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