Monday, August 10, 2015

Change Your Attitude

I had a huge realization this morning.  It is time for me to change my attitude!    It all stems from my seven year old starting school.   He has been given a lot of homework.  Every night he has to read for 15 mins, complete a reading fluency sheet, spelling words, a math page and computer math to do.   It seems like a lot to me.   I have been voicing my dismay at how much homework he has had to do.   Last night I could see it rubbing off.   He was complaining and saying why do I have all this homework?   He would probably have just done it if I hadn't said anything.  I really realized that my attitude was affecting his.

So what can I do about this?   Well first off check my attitude at the door.   I deserve more than to complain.   I have complained about my trainer workouts, but truth is I really enjoyed them.  I complain about making meals, cleaning the house but in truth I enjoy a clean kitchen and homemade meals.  I even enjoy hard work and exercise...but complain until I have done it.

It is time for me to look for the good and speak it, instead of the opposite that I have been.   If I have the right attitude about homework, my son will as well and it will be much easier for him to complete it.  If I start blessing my family (a flylady ism)  By cleaning and making healthy meals, the household will run smoother, I will be happier and so will the rest of us.  My kids, husband and I will all be healthier.

The Darren Daily today talked about seeing a vision of what you want to have.

My main goal this year is to be healthier, more confident and organized. So in consideration of this here is my vision of a day in the life of a confident, organized, healthy me.  :)

I arise first thing in the morning excited for the day.   The air is crisp, the sunlight beautiful and I am grateful for all that I have before and around me.  I jump out of bed ready to accomplish all that I have before me.  I make my bed and dress to exercise clothes.   I grab my bag of positivity and go downstairs to my bike desk to read and exercise.   I pray, read some of my scriptures and my chosen positivity book.  Then plan my day.  I decorate and beautify my planner showing creativity as I fill in my plan.   Then I jump up and exercise.  A run and weights or  other planned activity. I feel really good and healthy.   I enjoy working my body and following through on the commitment I have made to myself. 
I eat a healthy snack as I go to shower and dress for the day.   Putting on my outfit, doing my hair and makeup to make myself feel pretty and put together.  I take a load of laundry to the washer and then help the kids get ready for school.  Once they go to school I work in the kitchen for a bit.  Emptying the dishwasher,cleaning off the counters.  Returning it to baseline after the craziness of morning breakfasts.  I then complete my tasks for the day.  Including prep for dinner, and helping the kiddos.  I switch the laundry and then prep, eat and cleanup lunch.  When the dryer is done I fold and put away the clothes.  Enjoy some free time to pursue anything I desire and then pickup the kids.  After school I start to prepare dinner while I help the kids with homework.   We talk about the day and I enjoy hearing about their school adventures.  We eat a wonderful dinner at the kitchen table as the whole family talks about things that are important to them and we bond with one another.  After enjoying a healthy balanced meal.  The whole family helps to clean up the dishes and return the kitchen to baseline again.  We spend the rest of the evening doing something together, going for a walk  or bike ride, playing outside or even watching a movie.   Bedtime goes smoothly and the kids are all in bed at an early hour, I tuck each one in sharing my love for them and saying good night.  I then think about my next day and pre-plan my day...writing down and preparing for what I need to do.   I get ready for bed, brush my teeth and pray.  Then talk with my husband as we wind down the evening.  I easily go to sleep at an early hour and sleep peacefully until it is time to wake up.

Note this is my ideal vision.  :)

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