Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 20

I certainly hope I am recovering.  Felt a lot better today.  STill losing my voice, still coughing, still on the inhaler.  But much more energy and no fever!  YAY!  I ate more today than I have in a day as well.  Tried to catch up a bit on house cleaning.  Bribed my kids to clean the boys room.  It worked.  :)  Got all the hand washables done.   Yay.  Truth is I had baked a turkey a week and a half ago.  The roasting pan never got clean until today.  Shameful I know!   Working on changing that.  I wouldn't have taken so long if birthdays and being sick had not all lined up in succession! 

Ate a yogurt for breakfast
leftover Soup for lunch
a piece of cake  (had to try it to see if I even wanted it in the house, ok thats a major excuse.  I wanted to try it.  :)  The frosting was way too sweet, but the cake good)
Wienderschnitzel Chili Cheese Dog.  I wasn't ready to cook.  I ate two, the last bite of each didn't taste so good but I ate it anyway.  I'm still working on the fact that I don't have to eat something if I don't like it.  If it stops tasting good than stop eating!  The plan is to practice.  So sometime tomorrow I am going to leave food on my plate and not eat everything I am served. 

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