Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 36--lack of sleep

Last night I worked on my ipad until just before bed time.  Between that and the anger I felt earlier in the day I was at loss for sleep.  I had read a story earlier in the day about ipad use and its effect on melatonin production.  If you use a lighted reader before bed it actually suppresses your sleep hormone (melatonin) and it is harder to go to sleep.  You also don't go into as deep a sleep.  That is exactly how I felt.  IT felt impossible to sleep.  I was waking every hour or so.  Did not dream at all and was awake long before I felt I should be this morning.  

Morning Blood Sugar:  101

Exercise:  JRs workout from last week ( and 40 minutes on the bike while reading. 

Time: 8:30
Hunger Level*:  3
Ate:  Orange
Comments:  I was awake at 5:40...Really didn't sleep well.  Ate almost 3 hours later.  I can do better than that. 

Hunger Level*:   2
Ate:  Chia seed pudding and raspberries.  Leftover noodles from last night and a chocolate truffle
Comments:  The orange only seemed to fuel my hunger....I started to graze and eat more than I expected.   Next time I think I will choose to eat more earlier.  

Hunger Level*:

Time: 1:30
Hunger Level*:   3
Ate:  Fudge
Comments:  Yum.  Also ate a bite of a cookie that was no longer good.  I threw the rest away.

Time: 6 pm
Hunger Level*: 2
Ate: Doritos while waiting.  Steak and shrimp salad.  Some Chocolate covered pretzels and a homemade caramel.
Comments:  Very yummy!  We have mastered the art of steak, if I say so myself!   Shrimp salad is really yummy as well.  :)

Water intake: 64 oz

2015 Goals:
1.  Post a total of 365 days on the blog
2.  Run a 10 min mile
3.  Squat 95 lbs
4.  Complete morning and evening routines on a daily basis. (100 days straight!)
5.  Weekly meal planning
6.  Run a Half Marathon in October

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. 

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