Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day 34, epigenetics and unbroken

Epigenetics.  This is something I have not heard much about, but this study came across my newsfeed on Facebook today.  Fascinating!  They had volunteers in a study exercise one leg and then studied the changes to their dna.  Read for yourself!

The Darren Daily yesterday talked about the movie unbroken.   I really didn't know much about this movie, except that it seemed to be a true story.   It seems more fascinating now.   Darren interviewed the man who the story is based on.  Louis Zamporini.  Louis talks about being Hearty.  Says it several times in the interview.   I love that spelling of Hearty!  It seems to me that it means you put your heart and soul into everything you do.  You are less likely to give up if your heart is in it.  The spelling hardy is how I used to think of the word.   That denotes that it is hard...   So lets be Hearty and put our heart into what we are doing.   If you want to listen to the interview check out this link.   Very interesting.  I think I'll have to watch the movie now.  :)

Morning Blood Sugar:  97  Surprised yet again.  With all the food I ate last night I thought for sure it would be much higher.   It is almost 10 am though.   We slept in significantly this morning.  It sure felt good though!

Exercise:  strong lifts and 3 minutes on the treadmill. Felt quite strong today.  

Time: 11:00
Hunger Level*: 1
Ate:  cheeseball, pear, almond poppy seed bread. 
Comments:  I started helping my hubby look stuff up online.  He is searching for a new van for his employees.  Then I started feeling really Hungry!!  Kinda foraged in the kitchen for a bit.   

Time: 1 pm
Hunger Level*: 3
Ate: one piece of fudge
Comments:  certainly not tasting as good any more.  

Time:  3 pm
Hunger Level*: 3
Ate: ham and cheesy potatoes
Comments: after workout meal.  I've looked forward to it most of the day. 

Hunger Level*:

Time: 6 pm
Hunger Level*: 3
Ate:bacon, the rest of the almond poppy seed bread, cheesy noodles, jelly beans
Comments: snacked on the bread as I was cooking the bacon and noodles.  No real meal plan.  Must add meal planning to my goal sheet!

Water intake: 64 oz  I am feeling dry.  Hands and mouth.  Time to stay on top of it!

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. 

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