Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 22, wow it's been three weeks!

I have lapsed into the habit of only typing things up at the end of the day.  In the morning my plan is to start writing things as they happen instead of in retrospective.  

I have talked enough today that I have mostly lost my voice again.  Not good since I am supposed to sing in the Christmas program at church on Sunday.   Please pray I will get my voice back! My voice seems to be super sensitive.  I lost my voice for months after having Thyroid surgery 10 years ago.  I was a baritone for much longer than I care to remember!  If I get sick it tends to hit my voice and throat.  My throat chakra must need help.  I don't know anything about chakras other than that I have a throat one and it can need help if I have trouble there.  :) 

It's been a busier day.  I helped at the office for a bit and took my daughter to her ortho appointment.  The house needs super amounts of help.  I am to that point of overwhelm again.  I know I can handle it, just take 15 min increments.  You can do anything in 15 minutes!  My negative voice is talking me out of it though.  Perhaps I am milking the fact that my cough and voice sound horrible still.  Its a good excuse.  No more excuses. 

I realized today that the born organized person must have a natural course of ideas run through their head as to what next to do.  I am not born organized by any means.  When I look at a mess, go through my day, I don't have tasks that tell me what to do.  I have a blank slate.  I gravitate to what sounds more fun.  Laundry vs TV, Dishes vs Facebook.  Organize vs read a book.  So tomorrow morning I am going to jump back into my routines again.  Since you are what you tell yourself... I will say:  I can do this.  I am organized, I am clean, I am healthy! 

So intake today:
A couple bites of cake
Orange sticks
Tuna noodle Casserole
A piece of Cake (not the whole thing though, definitely worked to stop when it did not taste good anymore) 

Until tomorrow. 

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