Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 37--How Can I?

How can I.  Coach Erik says the best question to ask is How can I ___ and enjoy the process.  Anything that makes you question or feel like it is too difficult, ask this question and the answers are empowering!  That's what I thought of when I saw this post today on Organize yourself skinny
She states that it is all up to us, our choice as to whether we become what we desire or not.  Our Choice.  How can I be skinny and enjoy the process??  Food for thought.  :)  I'm saving the post here so I can go back and read it.  There were some great ideas I would like to reference again. 

Morning Blood Sugar:  98. Like it!   Although it better have been good with all the steak I ate last night.  :) the best way to help blood sugar be stable is to pair protein with carbs.  Eat more veggies too.

Exercise: Stephanie's workout from a week ago.  Www.bootcamphub.com

Time: 8:30
Hunger Level*: 2
Ate: fiber plus protein bar
Comments: couldn't think of what else I wanted and I was hungry...fruit was too messy for me this morning.  :)

Time: 11:15
Hunger Level*:  2
Ate: pear
Comments:  We are going to a movie and getting treats so I don't want to eat too much yet.  ;)

Time: 12:30
Hunger Level*: 2
Ate: taco salad, dole whip
Comments: yummy.  Our theater just started serving dole whip.  The same as at Disneyland! So we've been looking forward to it!!the taco salad was good too.  Eating during a movie makes it hard to see what you are eating.  Definitely distracted!

Time: 3:30
Hunger Level*: 4
Ate: fudge
Comments: just wanted some.  Yum!

Time:    7 pm
Hunger Level*:  3
Ate: garlic bread, ham and cheese wreath (plan to eat) another piece of fudge.
Comments: started cooking late and wanted to use up the leftover ham.  The rolls were tasty. I got full fast too.

Water intake: 50

2015 Goals:
1.  Post a total of 365 days on the blog
2.  Run a 10 min mile
3.  Squat 95 lbs
4.  Complete morning and evening routines on a daily basis. (100 days straight!)
5.  Weekly meal planning
6.  Run a Half Marathon in October

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. 

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