Monday, December 1, 2014

Day 8. No diabetes!

Part of my journey includes two pregnancies with gestational diabetes.  The interesting thing about gestational diabetes is that you are more at risk if you gain a lot of weight in the first trimester.  That was me!   I would eat like crazy to avoid nausea.  Sometimes stuffing myself to the point of throwing up.  Not hard to do in those first few weeks.  I craved carbs like crazy as well.  It was almost as if my body was anticipating the restriction to come and getting them in as fast as possible.

Because of my two experiences with gestational diabetes my risk of developing full type 2 diabetes is significant.   Therefore I have continued checking my sugars and having lab work completed. To follow that aspect.  I am currently border line pre-diabetic. My last a1c was 5.8.  My morning sugar was 112 this morning.  For frame of reference.  Normal blood sugars are in the range of 80-120 and a1c is normal around 5.  Six plus is diabetic.  A morning fasting sugar should be less than 100. I tend to be conservative on what I believe my sugars should run. **disclaimer**  Your doctor may feel differently.  I am sharing my experiences and opinions and not medical advice.  Please consult your healthcare professional to get information tailored to your specific needs.  

So with all that being said.  I am going to start posting my morning sugar.  In an effort to track and figure out how my body works better.  :)

So fasting glucose (FG) this morning. 112
Last night right before bed it was 95. 
So why did this happen??  In pre-diabetes the liver is having trouble maintaining an even blood sugar.   Hormones including insulin and glucagon are out of whack.  The liver maintains glucose levels in a fasting state.  It is currently releasing too much sugar over night.  So what can I do to fix this?   Interestingly enough I can try a snack just before bed time.   Even though a lot of dieting advice says not to eat after 7 or so in this case it's the opposite.  I was actually a little hungry last night but chose not to eat because of time.  (Not listening to my body!). If I had a small protein rich snack I would have felt satisfied and my liver would not have panicked and sent so much sugar into my blood stream over night.  
My goal with blood sugar is an a1c of 5 and a FG of under 90. Totally possible.

My Intake today:
up at 6:30
7:30 apple
9:30 protein/green smoothie  Blueberries, pineapple, just juiced greens, chia seeds, fiber, perfectly paleo protein (vanilla) coconut milk, water and ice.
11:30 finished up the smoothie...was sipping it through the time.
12:30  needed to chew something.  roll turkey, cranberry and stuffing
1p.m.  I know I said I was done with pie, but that last piece was calling to me.  It still tasted good!
4 pm  pepper jack cheese and ritz crackers
6:15. I was out and about and decided to bag my meal plans and instead get a hot pastrami from subway.   Mmmm yum!  Had a few French fries too.  ;)
10:30 ningxia red

Exercise today.  I started a free program today where you say affirmations while you exercise.  It was amazing!  Felt more into my walk/run than I have in a while.  You can jump in here...

Best timing I've had for a long time.  Perhaps I can reach my goals!   

Today I took the leap and signed up for the website plan to eat.  It is an amazing meal planner.  You can share recipes with friends.  Get shopping lists.  Anything meal planning becomes easy. They had a 50% off sale today for cyber Monday.  If you join you can be my friend.  My username is debscooking.  I am working to import all my recipes so you can have access to them there as well.  Do check it out.  I love it so far!!

Blood sugar at 10:30 pm. 109.  I'm going to have a ningxia while I finish up the dishes.  Let's see how it looks in the morning.

Thanks for reading!

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