Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 23

Can't wait until I get my voice back.   Any great ideas???
Instead of cleaning today I've been investigating ideas for my hubby's Christmas gift.  I'm giving him a Hawaiian vacation at home. I'm quite excited by it. Also a little worried I won't be able to pull it off.  Hubby deserves a vacation.  Even if it's a pretend one.  :)

I had a nice neighbor bring us cookies today.   I had not eaten anything prior and ended up eating 4 just as I was walking around and doing other things.
Leftover soup.  Still feels the best and tastes the best of anything I eat
A couple cookies and milk
Rotisserie Chicken and Garlic Bread....cookies

We had two large things of cookies given to us today.  Apparently we needed cookies!  I am throwing out the rest of the cake from the birthday party.   I am done with it, and it seems everyone else is as well.  

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