Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 32 Christmas Day

Merry Christmas!  It has been quite the festive day around here.   Hubby loved his gift of the Hawaiian basement.  Said a couple times that it was a good gift.  YAY!  I am glad he liked it!  He gave me an ipad, which will make posting here so much easier...keyboard case and all!  

I have not kept track of food very well today.  Everything is a bit of a blur.  We had eggs and bacon and rhodes orange rolls for breakfast.  Pina Coladas.  (Yummy!)  and I snacked on more rolls and bacon through the day.  It is now 3 pm and I am wondering where the time has gone.  The boys got a lot of legos and so we have been building lego sets most of the day.   It is currently snowing which makes Christmas that much better!  Love a good snow storm.  
We are blessed and life is good!

The boot camp message today said to figure out your goals for the next year.  I am pretty sure I have mine figured out.   
1:  Post here daily for one full year.  That would be to 365 days.  :)
2:  Run a 10 minute mile
3:  Squat 95 lbs
4:  Complete Morning and Evening Routines daily to keep house perpetually clean. 

We have had a wonderful day.  My parents visited and we ate leftovers...Ham, veggies and dilly dip, chips and clam dip, cheeseball and wheat thins.  I made more pina coladas and ate some fudge.  So yummy!   I may snack more in a little bit if I get hungry again.  Currently was tasty.  

So I am signing off for the day.  Merry Christmas!!  Have a wonderful Holiday.  Time to go spend time with the fam.  :)

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