Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 310

I can't believe I am in the 300s on days now.  Time has sure flown!

My blood Sugar was 91 this morning.   I think that is the lowest I have seen in a very long time!

I actually even felt more energetic yesterday.  Water and veggies are good to me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 309

Today was a better day.   Just getting my steps in last night made a huge difference in my outlook.   I guess it is true that one small step makes all the difference.  

I set up more of the accountability app I found today.   So it has all my veggies/fruit and water needed.  

I also logged my food in my fitness pal.   I was really just curious as to how I was doing calorie wise.   I ended the day under by 500, and then my daughter brought home treats, and I ate a bit.   It was after 8, but I was still hungry.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 308

I have really noticed that when I don't get in high intensity exercise, lots of water and my fruits and veggies, my mental health really suffers.  I've felt a weird anxiety lately for no reason as well as just grumpiness.   It comes down to the fact that I have no energy and just want to lay around doing nothing...It's then I let the dishes pile up and just want to ignore life.   Moving slowly I get the negative thoughts just running through my head and they  make everything harder to do.

****Note to self.  Action gets you out of a rut!   Once I actually got up off my duff, moved and loaded the dishwasher I felt so much better.   If you aren't feeling the something!****

Blood sugar 93.

Exercise:  30 min boot camp workout

Breakfast:   yogurt and an orange
snack:  toaster strudel
Lunch:  Chili cheese dog and fries
Snack:  Oreos and milk
Dinner:  Cafe Rio pork Oreos and milk

I was overeating a bit today.   There is something bothering me that I really just can't put my finger on...

Not enough water, not enough steps, definitely not enough veg

Plans for tomorrow. 

Greek yogurt, blueberries, granola
Leftover hamburger with veggies
orange and cheese
Cheese sandwiches and salad

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 307

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.   Didn't want to do anything.  Skipped my weigh in, I don't really want to know today. 
Not planning food last night has made everything a bit more difficult.  The kids are asking me what they can eat and I don't even know.   I feel behind, like everything is ganging up on me. 

After Church I did make hamburgers for dinner.   And we enjoyed some leftover ice cream.  :)   We snacked before...chips, fruit snacks.

We went out and watched the lunar eclipse.   It was quite fun.   Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of it, but everyone enjoyed watching it. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 306

A good day.   I mostly followed my plan.  Made lunch for the family, got a lot of cleaning done.   Not shabby. 
I realized though that when I plan my meals ahead that I don't always think of what I am doing that day and make it fit in the schedule.   I had dinner with my mom while we watched the Women's Meeting.   I didn't plan for that.  In fact didn't even think about it while making my plan last night.   So now to figure out how to see the big picture while I am planning.

Not enough water.

Got in 30 minutes on the treadmill, 5 of that was a 5 mph run.  Felt good!

I ate too much.  But it was yummy...chicken salad and bean dip, grilled chicken (marinated in lemon pepper after I pounded them out) It was more tender than it has been lately.   I made chocolate ice cream.  Yum.  : )

Now to figure out this whole planning thing...I'm too tired tonight to even think about tomorrow...

Friday, September 25, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 305

Woke up feeling better this morning, my energy quickly wained however.   I worked out with the trainer mid morning and she was ready to push my to and past my limits.  I expect to be rather sore tomorrow!   

I did get a batch of dishes and laundry going this morning.   Unfortunately I had waited long enough that I had to wash clothes before I could take a shower.   That's way too long!

I enjoyed some greek yogurt and a toaster strudel before training 

Made a smoothie with greens, protein and pineapple afterwards.   It was quite yummy!  (1 fruit, 1 veg)

Lunch was a quesadilla, I made one with PB, banana and chocolate chips.  I burned it and it wasn't as tasty as I thought it was going to be, so I made a cheese one too. (2nd fruit)

Snack of oreos andmilk.  Yum

Dinner ended up being at arbys after 8 pm.   We went and visited my brother and his family and stayed a lot longer than expected.     Changed all our dinner plans.

I got in 10k steps, 48 oz water

Plan for tomorrow:

Greek yogurt and an orange or apple
chicken pasta and veg
ice cream.
hamburgers and veg

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 304

Had one of those low energy, very not fun kind of days.   Just feeling blah.   I couldn't even tell you what I really ate, because I didn't pay attention.   I was craving Chocolate cake all day.  Never really got any, but did eat a couple chocolate cupcakes.   My mind just wanted to check out, and I did.

I ended up making soup for dinner...our new chicken noodle soup that is so good!  And easy!! 
The boys had tball, I never got in exercise.  And I ended up doing a lot of running around this afternoon so any plans I had were lost.   I spent most of the day watching TV.  I can't remember the last time I just sat and did nothing like that.   I did do several batches of laundry I got something done.   Blah!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 303

So today, I lived on pumpkin Chocolate chip bread.  IT is yummy.  But not the bread of life!
My Blood sugar started out at 94.  Not bad at all!

Exercise a boot camp workout and weights 12 lbs

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 302

Busy day! 

Started out with sourdough waffles a banana and syrup. 
Made a lunch to take with for the field trip.

I went with my son on a walking field trip to a cemetery not far from the school.  It was very interesting.   I got in a 2.5 mile walk as well.   Lots of fun.  I have created a tradition with out trying to of checking the kids out after their field trips.   There really is no point in their staying as they do very little school work.  My son was so excited about that!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 301

What an interesting day.   I started out by writing up my schedule.   Then nothing happened that I had on it. I ended up watching my cousin's kids...I was going to, they cancelled and then needed me after all.  I didn't mind at all.  My son had a lot of fun playing with them.   I did have to do a little baby proofing for the 14 month old.  All the legos that are buried in the carpet and scattered through the house would not be good for her.  :)

Blood sugar was 96

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 300

Quite the busy day today...I did make a plan last night though, and it really helped in the getting up and going.  

Weigh in today:  190.8   I was a bit surprised!   Not going to complain though!!  I've dropped 8 lbs in the last 3-4 weeks.  Awesome!

Blood sugar:  96

I mostly stuck with my plan.   The sourdough waffles were pretty tasty.  I had them with butter and syrup and a banana.   Yum.   (eggs too)

I sang with a group of ladies in another church meeting before my own, so ran to that and didn't have time to eat between the meetings. so I grabbed a fruit snack during church...  I was exhausted!  

We had the primary program today and then I was in charge of the activities for singing and sharing afterwards.   It all went well but I was wiped by the end.  We played jeopardy and one of the "answers" was: Drop and give me 20!   I thought the kids enjoyed it and I got in 40 pushups for the day.  :)

I ate a piece of pizza after getting home and then made chicken pillows for dinner, cut up a bunch of carrots and they were tasty!

Got in my water--only 48 oz today, but good considering.   I'm ready to crash!

Tomorrow's plan:

Waffles and eggs, same as today.
Green Smoothie
Leftover Pizza Veggies
Cheese and apples/oranges
Chili Colorado burritos.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 299

Come to find out, this planning ahead thing is a lot harder than it seems.  I found the self journal on kickstarter that implements all the goal setting ideas I have been doing in two books into one.   I was able to get a pdf version and started working with it today.  So far so good.   Having a plan to my day definitely makes a huge difference.   I didn't plan out my food last night though, so that made it a little difficult.   We took jimmy johns gargantuan sandwiches to the guys working today so got some for us as well.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Healthy Journey day 298--thinking

I've been sitting here thinking...a dangerous past time, I know.  (the beauty and the beast song for Gaston just ran through my head).  It is my 15th wedding anniversary this year.   I need some great ideas for 15th anniversary dates!   But anyway, I need a purpose (thats what I'm thinking)  I need a reason to push through and really create these habits I keep thinking about and working on.   So what if I made a goal to drop 20 lbs by November 22?   I hesitate to make that goal though because I tend to flounder when I make weight loss goals.   I'm feeling frustrated because I keep doing this over and over again.   It just feels like I am going to drop and flounder again.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 297

Confession...I didn't track at all today.   It was a whirlwind of a day.  I was hardly home and exhausted by the end.  I got in more than 14000 steps and was so tired!  Worked out with the trainer in the morning, helped my brother and wife pack up their house and then off to more projects!  We ate a quick turkey dinner at 8 pm...shows how busy it was.  :)   I take deli meat and heat it up in gravy, then make some stove top.   So tasty and easy.  a 10 min meal that feels a bit gourmet! 

So forgive me...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 295

It's been a two fold day.  I had absolutely no energy and was in a bit of a funk this morning and then somehow I got a jumpstart and ended the day pretty fast paced.

Breakfast:   a bacon egg sandwich, green machine drink

Exercise:  30 min BC workout with 90 sec plank and 20 pushups.  4 ladders outside.

Snack:  Fruit snacks, a couple spoonfuls of honey greek yogurt.  Yum.
I was feeling so yucky I just sat on the couch and picked up one of my daughters books to read.  I set the timer for 15 minutes so that I wouldn't get too stuck (I can read all day long)
I then got up and started doing some putter cleaning.   It's almost as if I don't have a purpose at times.   Time to figure out my cleaning house purpose so I can feel a drive!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stitch fix #5

My fifth stitch fix.  I might just be in love with this service.    I have been reading other blogs about how to get your best fix.   They suggest requesting items and looking at other peoples fixes, pinning what you like from those.   So I did that.   I requested a polka dot shirt, one specifically that I found on someones blog.  They've sold out of it but sent me a different one that I think I like maybe a little better.   I also am pretty sure the tiered top is one I had pinned as well.  I love the look of it!   So here is my break down.  Let me know what you think.

Here is my box laid out with my white jeans under the polka dot shirt.  

Healthy Journey Day 294

Busy yet not busy day.   I didn't take the time to type out all my meals today so I am catching up late at night.   I did have fun trying on my stitch fix though...check out my other post on that.  :)

Blood sugar was 98...not bad after ice cream for dessert last night.

Breakfast was some greek yogurt (honey flavored) it is so yummy!

Exercise:   A boot camp workout and then pushups/plank followed by biceps (15 lb weights 20 reps) squat kicks, lunges and overhead presses (12 lb 20 reps)   I found this app called Done!  (I searched accountability apps and it came up)  My friend and I are trying it.   We have water and veggies/fruits that we report in on.   So far I am liking it.

Snack:  Smoothie with green machine, power green mix, protein powder, blueberries, half a banana
1 veg 1 fruit...approx. ;)

Lunch:  Leftover roast, veggies and ranch  
Veg 1
Snack...I needed something sooner than I expected after that so I snacked on pb ritz and candy corn

Snack after school:   ice cream.  More from what I made last night.  So yummy!  I ate a bit more than I needed to.

Dinner:  Pineapple meatballs.   I put cut up peppers on mine, although I still wasn't hungry after the ice cream I ate so I didn't have too much.   A fruit and veggie serving there.   

Water 72 + oz, 10k steps.   Progress!  :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 293

A back to work monday

Breakfast:  oatmeal with milk

Exercise:   A 30 min BC video and then 20 pushups, a 90 second plank.   We ran 4 straight ladders outside too.   Trying to build up my stamina.  Thinking I will do the pushups and plank daily to build it up!

Snack:  an orange and a piece of cake leftover from last night.  Oh so yummy!!

Lunch:   A chicken wrap with tomato, cucumber and kale.   I only ate half and then ate some candy corn and grapes.  The chicken was a little spicy which made it hard to finish.  Maybe I will try it with mayo tomorrow...I used hummus today which didn't really temper the heat.

Snack:   I ate fruit snacks and candy some pb ritz here and there through the afternoon.   In the mood for something really chocolatey but didn't have anything that was what I wanted.  A glass of green machine as well

Dinner:   Roast.  Oh so yummy.  Perhaps the best I have made.  I made some ice cream as well.  Mmmm Homemade Chocolate ice cream   yYUMMM!@

10k steps, 2 fruits, 2 veg,  72 oz water.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 292

Weighin Sunday.   192.8.  I was surprised.  Not only is this my PMS week...but I ate breakfast before weighing (a no no!)   That puts me at 6 pounds down in 2 weeks.   Best results I have had in a long time.  I am focused on my three habits...steps, water and veggies/fruits.   That is it!   I have not even been very good about the veggies/fruit one yet.   Loving this progress!!

No blood sugar

Breakfast at 9:30 Chocolate smoothie.  Carnation IB in milk, (half a serving)   Two handfuls of greens, half a banana, blueberries and some chocolate protein powder.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 291

A fun day today.  We took a drive up and walked through some trailers and visited smith and Edwards.  It was a great mini road trip.  

Blood sugar was 92 this morning. Nice!

Breakfast. An orange and a bowl of mini wheats and milk. 

Snacks:  peanut butter crackers and pretzels fruit snacks. (Road trip food) usually I don't take anything with us so having that and water was a huge plus. 

Lunch. Brats and hotdogs.  Hubby had picked up some he found at target.  I cooked them on the grill. Love our new grill!! 

Snack.  1 cup of green monster smoothie

Dinner I wasn't very hungry so snacked on veggies and some Oreos with milk.  
I made the rest of the family ham sandwiches. 

Finishing up my water.  Exercise was 30 minutes on the bike. So steps aren't too high today. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 290

I actually took my blood sugar this morning.  It was 101.   Nice.  I felt really good about that.  Not that I ate in a way that should warrant it.

Breakfast was an orange.

I procrastinated exercise and snacked on the candy pumpkins we bought yesterday.

Completed a JR workout and then ran/walked to a neighbors house and back.

Lunch was a breakfast sandwich.

More snacking on pumpkins, the samples at sams club and fruit snacks

Dinner:   Pork tenderloin in a maple glaze.  Veggies and milk. a little ranch dressing too.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Healthy Journey 289

It's been a crazy day.  I didn't sleep well last night and didn't feel to good either so today I have felt like I hit a brick wall. 

Breakfast was oatmeal:

Snack:  Orange.

Trainer workout.  Ran ladders.  12 lb weights for lunges, deltoids (10 lbs) abs, more ladders, squats and more shoulders.  Tiring!  Only about 500 calories in an hour...Gee only.  I think that's pretty good!

I ate a breakfast sandwich and two toaster strudel for my after workout meal.  Then my hubby came home about noon.   I didn't get much else done.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 288

It's been a good day.  One where I spent more time sitting.  But thats ok.   I had to wait for someone at the building for my hubby.  So that took a chunk out of my day.   Started out making pancakes for the kiddos.  I had some with peaches and yogurt and a little syrup.  Yum.  The peaches are about dead though. 

I ate an apple while I was driving.  We left at noon and I was a little hungry.  I had been snacking on pumpkin chocolate chip cookies too. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Healthy Journey day 287

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  email, telephones, Tv.   Computers.  We have amazing electronics!
Intentions for the day: Clean house, do laundry.  Survive taking the boys to Tball.  Plan menus and run to costco

Morning Blood Sugar: Gee I forgot it again.   Don't know why I am out of the habit.

Exercise:  lifted 15 lb weights...biceps and overhead press.  20 reps.  40 forward lunges. one ladder. 

Time: 7
Hunger  Level *:
Ate:toast pb and peaches

Hunger Level*:
Ate:english muffin with egg and bacon

Lunch:   a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie. 

Time:  3:30
Hunger Level*:
Ate:  chicken salad on crackers, a little nutella

Time: 5:15  had to eat early to get to tball sorta ontime.
Hunger Level*:
Ate:  Lemon Pepper chicken.  Noodles.
Comments:  Afterwards I grabbed a thing of water and orange cupcakes as I was driving home.  Only ate one cupcake...
Water intake:  72 plus oz

Daily Wins:  I have 15000 steps.  Talked with my SIL for 1 & 1/2 hours.  Apparently we had a lot to talk about.   I paced the whole time.  Feel worn out but yet accomplished.  Especially since I really didn't exercise...It was a token amount.  :)

Daily goal:
Drink 64 oz water  Complete.   Continue to strive for daily. 
1 fruit, 1 Veg. 
One load of laundry to completion:  wash-dry-fold-put away

2015 Goals:
1.  Post a total of 365 days on the blog
2.  Run a 10 min mile
3.  Squat 95 lbs
4.  Complete morning and evening routines on a daily basis.
5.  Weekly meal planning
6.  Run a Half Marathon in October
7.  The Amy stretch!
8.  Brenda Vance Stairs
9.  10 full pushups--met!!

I am 34 inches thinner from my bust/waist and hips and a size 8's measurements of 36/28/38 on October 7, 2015.  I am following the trainers workout and food plans drink 64 oz of water a day and getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
I track this by completing my measurements every 4 weeks and weighing in weekly. My expectation is to see a decrease of approximately 5 inches per month.

 I am completing my daily trainer workouts, planning my meals, eating as I am hungry and listening to my fullness cues. I get in 10000 steps 6 times a week. I measure my progress with Sunday Morning weigh ins and document it on my blog. I stick to a regular bedtime and use a timer when I am on the computer.  I feel energetic and strong. I Feel good in my own skin.

**Hunger Scale is from 0-10 with zero being absolutely empty, ravenous and 10 being so stuffed that you are absolutely sick.
"Every time you start to eat, check your hunger level.  Ideally, aim for around a level of 3 to begin eating.  If you are at a 5 or above, you are not biologically hungry.  If you are at 2 or lower, you're likely over hungry and at risk for overeating."  Scale and comments taken from the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 286

Be Your Best Self Today

Gratitudes:  Home, family, husband

Intentions for the day:  clean, clean, clean

Morning Blood Sugar: forgot to check it.

Exercise:  45 min treadmill at 3.2-3.4, 20 pushups 90 sec plank

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 285

Its Fast Sunday today.  I had stayed up late last night, avoiding thinking apparently.  I have a new stitch fix coming so was having fun looking up clothes to put on my pinterest board.  Then I really slept in this morning...I mean really. Much later than I have probably since working nights.   We ended up rushing to church.  

I did weigh in though:   194.8   I was pleasantly surprised.  Looks like the changes I have been working on this week have been fruitful!    

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Healthy Journey Days 283 and 284

So yesterday We had multiple power outages that turned my computer off.   At that point I gave up and didn't write a post.  :)   So here we are now.

Yesterdays exercise:   Stairs, I ran 8 flights and then biceps, overhead presses and squat kicks.  15 lb weights and 12 lb for the second set of overhead presses.  (I repeated the 8 flights too)

A peach before exercising,
peach pb and toast after.

Chicken salad on a roll a couple hours later
another couple hours later I had chicken salad on crackers.  

Can't remember much else but I definitely was munchy.   We ate tortilla chips and cheese at 9 pm.   

10k steps.  I ran in place for most of the last hour before going to bed in order to get them.   72 oz water.  


Blood sugar 93...surprising

We went on a bit of a road trip today.  IT has been great fun!   

I ate a mini chocolate chip muffin before we left and then we picked up some treats on the road.  I had chocolate milk and mini cinnamon rolls.   A couple grapes.   Then on our way back we grabbed dinner for tomorrow, and some twizzler cherry nibs.  Not as tasty as I hoped they would be.  

For dinner we ate wing stop.   Our usual...wings (plain) ranch, veggies and fries.   Very yummy.   My hubby gets the hot wings, I tried one but the plain boneless wings were yummy today.

Still working on my water and 10k steps...hope to get them all in before bed.  :)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 282

I had great intentions about keeping track through the day but ended up busy enough that I didn't get to it.

Breakfast:  Toast, PB and a peach.  YUMMY!

Exercise:   45 min walk, 90sec plank x 2, 20 pushups x 2

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 281

First day back in training.   Back to the basics  ;)

I got a call shortly after sending my daughter off in the car pool this morning (7:30) that they were going to deliver our new mattress in 30 minutes.   I set aside my peach with greek yogurt and granola and went to work pulling off our old mattress and stashing and dashing stuff from my room...yes I tend to allow my room to become a graveyard for things without a home.  Not my best form. 

The mattress came just in time and I was able to get my son off to school before the bell even rang.  YAY!   I ate a couple more bites of my peach and then set to work gathering stuff for my workout.   Some how my strength band has been misplaced so I spent a bunch of time looking for it...never found it. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 280

Started out with a good blood sugar again.  Although it was really hard to wake up this morning.   Time to go to bed earlier!

Breakfast around 7, peach, greek yogurt and granola.  I had planned on doing something with those peaches today but never got around to it. 

Exercise:  Tried out a couple of new coaches on Boot camp hub with my friend.  We found one we enjoyed and another we didn't.  A great workout though.