Thursday, September 3, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 282

I had great intentions about keeping track through the day but ended up busy enough that I didn't get to it.

Breakfast:  Toast, PB and a peach.  YUMMY!

Exercise:   45 min walk, 90sec plank x 2, 20 pushups x 2

Snack:  Peach, greek yogurt and granola

Lunch:  3 gummy worms while making chicken salad.  Tasty too. I had it with a tomato and a piece of toast.

Snack:  gummy worms

Dinner:  Cheese, ham and cheese sandwich  We were running late to Tball... Crazy day!  Spent 2 hours there while hubby was home prepping the trailer the rest of the way for the guy we sold it to to pick it up.  A bittersweet moment.   He is handicapped and the changes we made to the trailer really help him.  Even though he is in a wheel chair he still goes out hunting and fourwheeling.  Amazing!

Garlic rolls after we got home.

72 oz water, 12000 + steps.  My legs are sooo sore and tired!

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