Thursday, September 24, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 304

Had one of those low energy, very not fun kind of days.   Just feeling blah.   I couldn't even tell you what I really ate, because I didn't pay attention.   I was craving Chocolate cake all day.  Never really got any, but did eat a couple chocolate cupcakes.   My mind just wanted to check out, and I did.

I ended up making soup for dinner...our new chicken noodle soup that is so good!  And easy!! 
The boys had tball, I never got in exercise.  And I ended up doing a lot of running around this afternoon so any plans I had were lost.   I spent most of the day watching TV.  I can't remember the last time I just sat and did nothing like that.   I did do several batches of laundry I got something done.   Blah!

Not enough water, not enough steps and I really doubt I got any veggies.
Stopped eating at 8 pm though...

Tomorrow's plan.   I workout with the trainer in the morning so that will be a good thing. 

I must do dishes tomorrow...we are out of plates, cups and bowls now. 

Breakfast,   Greek yogurt
Snack:  Smoothie
Lunch:  Grilled cheese with tuna fish
Snack:   Apple and cheese
Dinner:   Grilled chicken with veggies and pasta.

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