Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 281

First day back in training.   Back to the basics  ;)

I got a call shortly after sending my daughter off in the car pool this morning (7:30) that they were going to deliver our new mattress in 30 minutes.   I set aside my peach with greek yogurt and granola and went to work pulling off our old mattress and stashing and dashing stuff from my room...yes I tend to allow my room to become a graveyard for things without a home.  Not my best form. 

The mattress came just in time and I was able to get my son off to school before the bell even rang.  YAY!   I ate a couple more bites of my peach and then set to work gathering stuff for my workout.   Some how my strength band has been misplaced so I spent a bunch of time looking for it...never found it. 

The workout was great.  Good to be back with the trainer.  We have a new partner who is very green, but she's going to be great to work with too.   We ran ladders, lunged, sit ups on the ball.   One legged squats and regular squats with lunges.  I burned 693 calories.   It didn't kill me off like it used too.  I don't know if it was a little easier or if time has allowed me to adjust.  I felt great and invigorated afterwards!

I ate lunch for my snack.   Turkey on squaw bread with tomato and onion.  Yum.

2 hours later I grabbed a baby bell cheese and and apple while we were driving around.  Even took my water with me. 

I snacked on Skittles, oreos and milk after the kids got home.

For dinner.  I made some packaged gravy and threw the rest of the sliced turkey in as it was cooking.  Made some stuffing, opened some cranberry sauce and a can of beans.  We had a great and easy/quick thanksgiving meal.  :)  YUM!   I had rolls we needed to use and they were great with it.  Definitely needs to go on my easy meal list.  I think everyone liked it. 

72 + oz of water.  10000 steps.   The goal this week is to get 72 oz of water a one check!

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