Friday, September 25, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 305

Woke up feeling better this morning, my energy quickly wained however.   I worked out with the trainer mid morning and she was ready to push my to and past my limits.  I expect to be rather sore tomorrow!   

I did get a batch of dishes and laundry going this morning.   Unfortunately I had waited long enough that I had to wash clothes before I could take a shower.   That's way too long!

I enjoyed some greek yogurt and a toaster strudel before training 

Made a smoothie with greens, protein and pineapple afterwards.   It was quite yummy!  (1 fruit, 1 veg)

Lunch was a quesadilla, I made one with PB, banana and chocolate chips.  I burned it and it wasn't as tasty as I thought it was going to be, so I made a cheese one too. (2nd fruit)

Snack of oreos andmilk.  Yum

Dinner ended up being at arbys after 8 pm.   We went and visited my brother and his family and stayed a lot longer than expected.     Changed all our dinner plans.

I got in 10k steps, 48 oz water

Plan for tomorrow:

Greek yogurt and an orange or apple
chicken pasta and veg
ice cream.
hamburgers and veg

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