Sunday, September 20, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 300

Quite the busy day today...I did make a plan last night though, and it really helped in the getting up and going.  

Weigh in today:  190.8   I was a bit surprised!   Not going to complain though!!  I've dropped 8 lbs in the last 3-4 weeks.  Awesome!

Blood sugar:  96

I mostly stuck with my plan.   The sourdough waffles were pretty tasty.  I had them with butter and syrup and a banana.   Yum.   (eggs too)

I sang with a group of ladies in another church meeting before my own, so ran to that and didn't have time to eat between the meetings. so I grabbed a fruit snack during church...  I was exhausted!  

We had the primary program today and then I was in charge of the activities for singing and sharing afterwards.   It all went well but I was wiped by the end.  We played jeopardy and one of the "answers" was: Drop and give me 20!   I thought the kids enjoyed it and I got in 40 pushups for the day.  :)

I ate a piece of pizza after getting home and then made chicken pillows for dinner, cut up a bunch of carrots and they were tasty!

Got in my water--only 48 oz today, but good considering.   I'm ready to crash!

Tomorrow's plan:

Waffles and eggs, same as today.
Green Smoothie
Leftover Pizza Veggies
Cheese and apples/oranges
Chili Colorado burritos.

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