Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 309

Today was a better day.   Just getting my steps in last night made a huge difference in my outlook.   I guess it is true that one small step makes all the difference.  

I set up more of the accountability app I found today.   So it has all my veggies/fruit and water needed.  

I also logged my food in my fitness pal.   I was really just curious as to how I was doing calorie wise.   I ended the day under by 500, and then my daughter brought home treats, and I ate a bit.   It was after 8, but I was still hungry.

We got in a good workout.   A Jonathan No Excuses workout, weights and squats and lunges (biceps and over head presses with 12 lbs) then we ran 4 ladders.   At the end of the workout the 4 ladders sure felt hard, but we did it!

I ate pretty close to the plan...well for the first half of the day.

Blueberries, yogurt and granola
toaster strudel 
fruit snacks and a green smoothie
cafe rio pork burrito
chicken and carrots (leftover grilled chicken and a few carrot sticks)
Monster munch chex mix.   My daughter made it at Young Womens.  It was pretty tasty.  

Plan for tomorrow:

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip bread.  I ordered it from winder so I know I am going to want some.
Green smoothie
Cafe Rio Pork burrito
orange and some mixed nuts
Turkey Dinner with cooked veggies

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