Friday, September 18, 2015

Healthy Journey day 298--thinking

I've been sitting here thinking...a dangerous past time, I know.  (the beauty and the beast song for Gaston just ran through my head).  It is my 15th wedding anniversary this year.   I need some great ideas for 15th anniversary dates!   But anyway, I need a purpose (thats what I'm thinking)  I need a reason to push through and really create these habits I keep thinking about and working on.   So what if I made a goal to drop 20 lbs by November 22?   I hesitate to make that goal though because I tend to flounder when I make weight loss goals.   I'm feeling frustrated because I keep doing this over and over again.   It just feels like I am going to drop and flounder again.  
  I need to consistently do the healthy habits I have already started.   Stop getting distracted and pick up the Best Year ever book again.   I have not looked at it over the last couple of weeks.   I need to be accountable to myself and follow through on what I want instead of waiting and expecting others to make me be accountable.  I also know what I need to do and just need to do it instead of expecting a new quick fix to come along and save me from the work!

So in the follow through of thinking all of this today, I came to the conclusion that instead of tracking what I have eaten, I will share my plan for the day.  Exercise/food/and follow through.   This is a way for me to be proactive instead of reactive.   It is hard to change the past but I can sure plan the future!   So Time to Change it up!

On another note.  I got my hair cut and styled today.  It sure feels good to pamper myself.  :) Between that and my new clothes from stitch fix, I am feeling like a new woman. 

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