Monday, September 14, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 293

A back to work monday

Breakfast:  oatmeal with milk

Exercise:   A 30 min BC video and then 20 pushups, a 90 second plank.   We ran 4 straight ladders outside too.   Trying to build up my stamina.  Thinking I will do the pushups and plank daily to build it up!

Snack:  an orange and a piece of cake leftover from last night.  Oh so yummy!!

Lunch:   A chicken wrap with tomato, cucumber and kale.   I only ate half and then ate some candy corn and grapes.  The chicken was a little spicy which made it hard to finish.  Maybe I will try it with mayo tomorrow...I used hummus today which didn't really temper the heat.

Snack:   I ate fruit snacks and candy some pb ritz here and there through the afternoon.   In the mood for something really chocolatey but didn't have anything that was what I wanted.  A glass of green machine as well

Dinner:   Roast.  Oh so yummy.  Perhaps the best I have made.  I made some ice cream as well.  Mmmm Homemade Chocolate ice cream   yYUMMM!@

10k steps, 2 fruits, 2 veg,  72 oz water.

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