Sunday, September 6, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 285

Its Fast Sunday today.  I had stayed up late last night, avoiding thinking apparently.  I have a new stitch fix coming so was having fun looking up clothes to put on my pinterest board.  Then I really slept in this morning...I mean really. Much later than I have probably since working nights.   We ended up rushing to church.  

I did weigh in though:   194.8   I was pleasantly surprised.  Looks like the changes I have been working on this week have been fruitful!    

I was low on water and steps today.

Ate Hamburgers for dinner,  yummy.  Then snacked on gummy worms, oreos and milk.  The gummy worms need to be thrown away.  They are rather chewy...and not in a good way. 

Word to the wise:   Early to bed and Early to Rise Makes a man Healthy Wealthy and Wise.   Remind me of that next time I want to stay up late for no reason.   I sure feel a lot more rested with 8 hours from 10 to 6, than 8 hours from 2 until 10.  : )

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