Saturday, September 5, 2015

Healthy Journey Days 283 and 284

So yesterday We had multiple power outages that turned my computer off.   At that point I gave up and didn't write a post.  :)   So here we are now.

Yesterdays exercise:   Stairs, I ran 8 flights and then biceps, overhead presses and squat kicks.  15 lb weights and 12 lb for the second set of overhead presses.  (I repeated the 8 flights too)

A peach before exercising,
peach pb and toast after.

Chicken salad on a roll a couple hours later
another couple hours later I had chicken salad on crackers.  

Can't remember much else but I definitely was munchy.   We ate tortilla chips and cheese at 9 pm.   

10k steps.  I ran in place for most of the last hour before going to bed in order to get them.   72 oz water.  


Blood sugar 93...surprising

We went on a bit of a road trip today.  IT has been great fun!   

I ate a mini chocolate chip muffin before we left and then we picked up some treats on the road.  I had chocolate milk and mini cinnamon rolls.   A couple grapes.   Then on our way back we grabbed dinner for tomorrow, and some twizzler cherry nibs.  Not as tasty as I hoped they would be.  

For dinner we ate wing stop.   Our usual...wings (plain) ranch, veggies and fries.   Very yummy.   My hubby gets the hot wings, I tried one but the plain boneless wings were yummy today.

Still working on my water and 10k steps...hope to get them all in before bed.  :)

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