Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 78 of 100---the blame game.

I have often played the blame game when it comes to food.  It is only recently since I started into intuitive eating that I have been able to get out of it.  More or less.  It is easy to get sucked into, so occasionally I will catch myself.  :)

My hubby brings home treats frequently.  In the past I would say it was his fault I ate it, because he brought it home.  I even used to use the excuse that he wanted the treat so I would by it for him, and eat it myself.  I was placing the blame outside of myself even though he didn't force feed me the donuts. Just brought them into my vicinity.   Those cookies....those were just on the counter.  They didn't ask to be eaten, I wasn't commanded to eat them.  I chose to eat them.  

Part of the journey to intuitive eating and healthy lifestyle is owning our choices.   So what if you ate a cookie.  It must have tasted good.  You must have wanted it.  Go ahead and eat it.   Do me a favor though and ask yourself if it really tasted that good.  Was it really what I wanted?  Listen to your body and see what you find out.  This is Intuitive Eating.  The tongue is not the only part of your body.  How does the food make you feel?  How does it taste?   How does it effect you?   Do you get angry?  Do you feel light headed?   I have found that some sugar cookies I really used to like actually make me feel light headed and didn't taste as good as I imagined they did.   I had to slow down and pay attention to realize that though.

One of the principles of Intuitive Eating includes giving yourself unconditional permission to eat.   This is whatever food, when hungry, no strings attached.  That means no telling yourself you will have to run on the treadmill after, or only eat celery for dinner.  No strings!   Permission to eat has been a game changer for me.

So give yourself permission to eat.   Forgive yourself for all your past food "mistakes" and accept that sometimes you just really want to eat that chocolate cake donut.  Because they are that good!  Your tongue isn't the only part of your body related to food, but it also has a big part in it, so respect that part and allow yourself to have the taste.  It is ok to enjoy it!

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