Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 107

Last night was a bad night.  My throat was hurting so bad I couldn't lay down. I had to take some tylenol and put a hot compress on it to help it feel better.   I slept in the boy's room for a few hours hoping the humidfier would help me not wake up in coughing fits.   I feel like I am complaining.  
I think I ate too many scratchy foods and it really irritated my throat.  So today I was only going to eat soft foods...that lasted until I was starving and ate a few rice krispie treats that were brought to us yesterday.  Needless to say that has rather set me back again for the day and now I am attempting to get my throat feeling good again!

Blood sugar this morning: 100  I was very surprised!

Honey and lemon in hot water

Honey and lemon in hot water

11 am, rolls with butter
3 pm, ramen with lots of extra hot fluid, krispie treats

5 pm hot honey and lemon. 

Spoon of honey with a drop of thieves. 

Gargle with salt water. 

I'm hoping that all of this will get me feeling better.  I am so tired of being sick!

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