Thursday, October 22, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 242

Today's trainer workout was a doozy.   HIIT with the step.  Focusing on the lower body.  She had us do some bicep and tricep work too...but I couldn't do that much as my arms were already sore from Tuesday.  My trainer brought up this great thought.  She was talking about the scripture:  If ye love me Keep my commandments.  She then equated it to if you love yourself you will follow through with the things to take care of yourself.   When I don't follow through with exercise, eating fruits and veggies, drinking water and getting enough sleep, it is the opposite of loving myself.   So today I am recommitting to loving myself and showing that love by how I treat my body.

Breakfast:  Waffle with strawberries and cool whip
Snack:   Green smoothie
Lunch:   Baked beans leftover from Monday
Snack:  Cookie at the office, cheese and turkey.
Dinner:  Chicken noodle soup with a roll and butter

It's been a busy day, lots of running around.  I did get all my water, 10k steps and 2 fruits/2 veg.   I am quite full or I would have worked on my third veggie serving.

Plan for tomorrow.

Breakfast:  Green smoothie
Snack:   Cottage cheese and peaches
Lunch:  Baked beans, turkey, carrot sticks
Snack:  Cookies
Dinner:   Meatballs, green salad.

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