Friday, October 23, 2015

NoSpendtober day 23

Day 23.   This month has flown by.   It's hard to believe there are just a few more days left of the challenge.   In a way this last week is going to be the hardest.

I found myself wishing I could order online today.   I found this great recipe for Frozen hot chocolate on pinterest.   I so wanted to make it!   I almost ordered the ingredients off of amazon.  There have been a couple other things I wanted too...evil internet!  All these people asking for money!  :)

Hubby wanted wings for dinner.  I didn't fight him.  It seems that eat out fridays could become a tradition at our house.   I wasn't in the mood to cook dinner anyway.   And I am feeling really good about our budget right now. 

The mission today was to find money around the house.  I found some dollar bills I left on our dresser.   I remember as a kid, I used to clean my room and find all this money I had stashed places.   I don't do that as much any more.   I also found a check (in my inbox file) that I need to take to the bank.  It is a refund from the insurance for a premium I didn't have to pay, apparently.   So I "made" $33 today.  Bonus.  :)

Avoided the store.  I even successfully navigated the school book store by leaving my wallet at home when I went to parent teacher conferences.   I always feel I need to help out the teachers and buy the books they want for their classrooms.  I also want to encourage my kids to read and buy them books...great intentions that don't help not spending money!

So that is where I am at.   Good luck to all of us in this last week of the challenge!

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