Saturday, October 24, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 24

Today I went shopping.   To be honest, it actually felt really weird to walk into a grocery store.  I felt like I shouldn't be there.   We decided to have family over for dinner tomorrow and needed to get some supplies.   Considering how my credit card looks I didn't mind going.   At the same time I have realized that I have a really hard time telling my hubby no, in fact I really don't.   Interesting. 

Today's mission is all about getting free stuff.   I have found that a lot of times the stuff I can get for stuff I really don't need anyway. (Such as samples and couponing)   I do get free stuff from credit card points however.   I have linked my discover card with my amazon account so that I can use the points to purchase stuff on amazon.  That's pretty cool.  You can earn stuff that way.  But bare in mind that when you use a credit card you are almost guaranteed to spend 30% more than if you were using cash.   If you saved 30% of everything you spent in a year, I suspect you would earn a lot more money that way.  :)   If you want to learn more about this, check out Dave Ramsey.  His website and books are very interesting.

I get a lot of free stuff at the library.   There are cool apps that our library has so that I can read books on my kindle, or listen to them.  You just have to be careful as some still have fines if they are overdue...I learned that one the hard way.  

Do you get any free stuff?   What is your favorite?

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