Monday, October 5, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 5

Today's mission was to create a meal that was like one you would get at a restaurant. 

So I went easy.  Hamburgers, hotdogs and cookies. 

We already had hamburger in the fridge, and buns that hadn't been used up.  The cookies are chocolate chip like unto Mrs. Fields.   All very tasty.  And quite easy.   I have heard it said you can make a meal in the time it takes you to go get take out/the drive through.   Sometimes this is proven true.  A meal in 15 minutes.  :)    I didn't have any veggies cut up so they didn't make it on the table.  Tomorrow I think I will have a veggie cutting session and get them all done so I don't have any more excuses.

I went to costco today to get supplies for the office.   I was severely tempted by a few things.   I didn't buy them even though I wanted to and ended up leaving with only 3 things in my cart.   That is a miracle!   Milk and eggs and the boxes I needed.   After I got back I went online and ordered a bountiful basket thinking I needed veggies.   Now thinking about it I have frozen ones.   So I didn't need to order anything after all...yet again I skipped my no-internet shopping rule.   That one is harder than I thought!!

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