Friday, October 9, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 319

It's been a busy day.   I was in cleaning day mode and spent most of the day doing it.
I skipped exercise and still ended up with 12k steps.

Breakfast:  toast with pb and pomegranet
Snack:   Pancakes and sausage
lunch:  pizza a handful of nuts
Snack:  fruit snacks and rice krispie treats, a few nuts
--we kinda skipped dinner.  just snacked instead.

I was so busy today I didn't think much about food.  I did sit at the table with the boys and had pancakes with them for breakfast, and then made them pizza from our freezer for lunch.  It was a very busy evening.

Plan for tomorrow

Breakfast mini wheats and milk with blueberries
Snack, lunch  all up in the air.  We are moving the building tomorrow. so will be all over and taking treats there.  
Dinner  tuna noodle?

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