Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 248

Intentions for the Day:
Clean up, pay bills

Food to eat,  Warm house,  my kiddos

Thoughts/Comments on the Day:
My Blood sugar checker's battery died.  :(
Had a great, run/walk chasing my son on his bike around the neighborhood.  It was great fun.  Even though it was a little chilly out. 
Had oatmeal for breakfast
smoothie after workout
A piece of pizza italiano at the office...hubby invited me to bring pizza up and stay for a presentation
Pumpkin chocolate chip bread
Enchiladas carrots

Got in my water.  Not the veggies or fruit ( I got 2/1)   Almost have my 10k steps...I'll go finish them up now.

Plan for tomorrow:
trainer workout
leftovers...meatballs or enchiladas
fruit and carrot sticks
Don't know...heading to a catered event tomorrow evening.   I'll see what they provide.

Complete Win Tomorrow Checklist:  Tomorrow's success, begins tonight!

Fill up water containers   √
Plan/get meals ready for tomorrow  √
Plan snacks and set them out for the next day  √
Schedule and plan tomorrow's workout  √
Set out Workout Clothes/Shoes
Set an exact bed time...and stick to it  √

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