Tuesday, October 13, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 13

Today's mission was to clean the bathroom.   It was quite clean after my cleaning day on Friday.   Which is nice!  So I cleaned out and organized a drawer.   I was in slow motion today, so one drawer seemed to take the entire day.  (I did a lot of other stuff too...um, like watching madam Secretary while working) but I feel accomplished in that task.   I only had a half hour to clean this morning, and spent a bit of it cleaning around my bathroom sink.   It has had an abundance of caulking since we moved in which was a dirt magnet.   I was able to get a bunch of it up easily and it looks so clean now!  Amazing what a few minutes will do!

I had a record low spending amount at costco today:  $8.22.   We were low on milk so I grabbed some and a thing of cottage cheese.  (probably not necessary, but not something I want to try making on my own)  It was rather odd to walk through and not be that tempted to buy stuff!   I did also get an ink cartridge refilled.  My printer ran out on Sunday.  I was going to wait, but then we had a treat left on our doorstep with instructions to hand out treats with a copy of the paper to two other families in the neighborhood.   I want to do this with my kids, and so instead of buying the $70 cartridges, I refilled one for $11.  So I saved $60!   I figure that is still good!!

Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's challenge is!

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