Friday, October 2, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 312

Today was a trainer workout.  Because the weather was crazy nuts and unpredictable, we ran a ladder outside for our test and then had the rest inside.  Knowing they were coming I went on a bit of a cleaning spree and got a lot of the kitchen cleaned.   Love having motivation!  It now looks crazy messy again since I have been creating and organizing. 

The workout was great...lots of legs and core, as well as arms and shoulders.   I really need to work on not shrugging my shoulders.  My trapezius really want's to take on the shoulders work!

Breakfast:  egg on english muffin with bacon and cheese.
Snack:  Smoothie
Lunch:  Chicken and noodles.
Snack:  mellocream pumpkins.
Dinner:  Hawaiian Haystacks and cupcakes.   I loaded mine up with some veggies.  Pretty tasty.

I'll have 10k steps before bed...getting close.   Water is almost done, 2 servings of veggies and 2 of fruit.

Tomorrow's plan

Breakfast:   Sausage and cinnamon roll pancakes.
Lunch:   Turkey Rolls and veggies
Snack:  Oranges and almonds
Dinner:  Rigatoni and veggies.

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