Saturday, October 3, 2015

NoSpentober Day 3

It's been a busy day.   I packed up a bunch of food this morning and we ran off on a road trip.  It was quite fun and we had plenty of yummy food. 

I found some really cute shoes...that I had been looking for....and that I had given myself budget to purchase.  And I ordered them online along with a pair of boots and some ankle boots.  Uh not so good.   I had said I absolutely would not order anything online this month.   But they were on sale!!  Maybe I need a technology break...get away from temptation!  
Ever watch the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic?   I'm very much feeling like her when she was at the sale and found the perfect pair of boots but then ends up in a fight because she put them back for a moment.   
Maybe my credit cards should go in real ice like in the movie.  :)

My daughter has been talking about being a vampire for Halloween, I really just want to default and purchase the costume.  This is so hard for me!  Stepping out of my comfort zone and following through is a very huge and difficult for me!

So tomorrow is another day.  I can start again, fresh.

Today's mission was to make a meal list of meals that will work with what food I already have.  I came up with a few that we already eat frequently and like as well as have the ingredients for.   As I finish up cataloging the rest of our food I will have to think harder and come up with ideas to use what we don't use frequently.   I am looking forward to using what we have and decluttering our supply!

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