Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 247

Found this quote on Facebook yesterday...boy I need to remember this!

So the time has come to Change things up, again.   What I am doing isn't working, so it is time to make it work!   Today's bootcamphub.com video was about getting angry about what you have not accomplished.   I am definitely angry (see yesterday's post!)    It is time to quit thinking about the past, quit thinking about the future, and think about right now.   If my right now is in a good spot...healthy.  Then my future will be too.  String a lot of right nows together and you get a day, a week and then years until you get a lifetime.  Right now is fleeting.  Right now passes, Right now is all you have!  I can only impact right now.  I can only make a difference Right NOW.  My time is RIGHT NOW! 

So here is what my plan is:   Every day I will start out by writing my intentions for the day, what I am grateful for and then every night I will set myself up for success by accomplishing the "win tomorrow Checklist" from BootCampHub

Intentions for the Day:
3 veg/2 fruits, 72 oz water, 10k steps.

Boot camp forum
Getting angry.  Sometimes you need that kick in the pants
Good quotes


 Morning Blood Sugar 95
I got in a great workout today.   19 minutes on the treadmill.  Getting 1.25 miles.  My plan is to keep working on 1.25 miles until I can get it in under 11 minutes.  I then did shoulder and abs with the weights

Got in my 3 veg and 2 fruits.   72 oz of water as well.  I'm still working on my steps but should have them by the time I go to bed. 
I had eggs for breakfast, a smoothie for afterworkout snack, turkey cranberry sandwich for lunch with carrot sticks.  An orange for a snack and meatballs with carrot sticks on the side.  Other foods too...

Spent a lot more time sitting today than I "should".

Plan for tomorrow:
eggs and toast
Turkey sandwich carrots
Chicken enchiladas. 
Treadmill workout, 10k steps.

Complete Win Tomorrow Checklist:  Tomorrow's success, begins tonight!

Fill up water containers √
Plan/get meals ready for tomorrow   √
Plan snacks and set them out for the next day  √
Schedule and plan tomorrow's workout  √
Set out Workout Clothes/Shoes  √
Set an exact bed time...and stick to it  √  (10 pm)

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