Monday, October 12, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 322

I feel good about my day!   Started with a Blood Sugar of 95, and ended up getting 10000 steps.   

I'm not sure if I got in enough son stole my water jug.  So I lost count.  Got 3 veg servings and 2 fruits though. (if you count a whole banana as 2 fruits that is.)  

Breakfast was toast with pb and banana
Exercise:  18 min steph video and hamstring roll ins, ball squats, wall sits, pushups, abs, a couple of ladders at my son's request.
Snack:  smoothie I tried something different.  I had chocolate protein powder with half an avocado, a bunch of kale and milk.   It was pretty tasty (I added cocoa nibs too)  But also not full flavored.  The avocado sure made it creamy!
A piece of cake.
A couple pieces of carrot
Leftover chicken curry
Chicken enchilada bake.  A new recipe, smelled really good but had no flavor!  I had tomato, carrots and avocado with it

I cut up 5 lbs of carrots today.  Thought I should do some preparation.  I don't eat them if I don't cut them up!   Lots of work but worth it.   

Toast with pb and banana
Chicken curry
Veggies and hummus
tuna noodle?   I've had a lot of meals with cream soup lately so not sure if I want that again.

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