Sunday, October 11, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 321

Today was fast sunday, so realitively quiet eating day.

After church I had a half a donut, a banana, piece of cake and chicken coconut curry.   It was all very tasty.  I was in a wierd mind spot until a little while after eating.  I think I was getting low blood sugar.   I definitely cleared up.  

It was really nice to eat dinner around the table and have a clean kitchen to cook in.   I am hoping we can continue this.  My youngest even ate multiple pieces of chicken.  Usually he complains royally and we have to fight him to even try some.  Today his brother said it would make him strong and he liked that idea.  He even ate 3 more pieces on his own.  Score!   It was just plain chicken that I left out of the sauce as I knew that the boys probably wouldn't eat it.

Food for tomorrow:

Mini wheats and blueberries
Chicken curry
Fruit and nuts
chili colorado burritos

Well getting ready to sleep busy day tomorrow!

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