Thursday, October 22, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 22

Today's challenge was to find stuff to sell.   I didn't do that.   But I did use my time to bake.   My daughter wanted for her lunch tomorrow.  She would have liked to go to the store.   Instead, I asked her what I should bake.  She asked for cookies and cupcakes.  I made those as well as a loaf of bread.   Yum!    She was quite excited by that, hopefully it turns out good.

I cut up a turkey breast that was in the freezer to use for lunch meat, so I feel like I really utilized what we had instead of running to the store for what ever came up.    I am keeping track of what we run out of.  Not only will this tell me what we use, but it will also help me restock when I can restock again.  I'm out of vanilla.  That kinda stinks.  Oh well.

I have been using half freeze dried eggs in all the recipes I have made.  It seems to work better that way.   I am glad that I am extending the use of my real eggs though.  So far I am half way through the 24 pack I bought at the beginning of the month.   Feeling great about this challenge!  I may not be doing all the side options, but I am getting the biggest portion.  :)

I finally filled out the weekly reflection as well.  

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