Wednesday, October 14, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 14

Today is the mark of week 2 of this challenge!  I have made it two weeks.  Hooray!!  I can't say it has been easy, but it also hasn't been as hard as I expected it to be.  

Here is my reflection of the last week.
So feeling computer illiterate!  So much for changing this orientation!

I wrote on the wrong side of my it was week three's paper.  ooops!  

Hubby had a major dentist appointment today so that was allotted spending.   He also wanted sausage for dinner.  We didn't have any so I told him to go ahead and buy it.   He deserved to have a good dinner.   I also didn't have anything officially planned and so it made it easy for me.   He bought sausage rolls and sour cream, as I had used the rest of my yogurt to make ranch dressing earlier and didn't make more yet.   I made cupcakes and cookies tonight.   Mostly cleaned the kitchen.  I will do more tomorrow.  I'm tired!  It's been a busy couple of weeks!

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