Sunday, October 18, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 328

It's nice to be home, but great to be away too.   I feel rather refreshed after a weekend of ease.  :)  It is nice to have someone else cook and clean for a few days.   

I let myself get dehydrated over the last few days and I always seem to eat more when I am.  I did notice that I was craving salads though.   Didn't expect that.   I had an einstein bagel sandwich with cucumbers and turkey it was so yummy!   A chick-fil-a salad for another meal and for our first dinner we had crackers with ham and cheese and a salad from target.  All yummy.  I ate lots too though...

Today I made waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.   We didn't get them at our breakfast buffet so my daughter wanted some.   I had that for lunch as well.  
We ate tuna noodle for dinner.  I also made cupcakes, we had some leftover candy that we bought on the trip and I rather indulged.  Yum...Ready for real food though.  A little too much sugar over the last few days.

Tomorrow's plan.  

Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.
Cucumber sandwich
Fruit and veggies

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