Sunday, October 25, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 25

As it is Sunday, it's a low key day for this challenge.   The challenge for today is to try bartering.   Trade one object for something you need.   At this point I don't have anything I am missing desperately or need.  So I may just be in the category of someone who has way too much stuff already.   I may possibly need to continue this challenge into the next month just to use up what we have.  I have been feeling as though I have a lot of clutter.  This may just be why--I do!  

So I am not currently going to barter for anything.  Growing up my dad (a photographer) Always would trade his services for things he needed, plumbing, electrical, HVAC stuff.   Piano tuning.  You name it!   My hubby doesn't like to trade as he always seems to do his side of the bargain and then the other party doesn't follow through.   In fact we have an outstanding trade currently (going on 3 years)   That the guy just won't come finish up.    So that is my horror story...Make sure you trust those who you are trading with, or don't trade for large amounts of work!  :)

It's hard to believe that we are in the last week of the challenge.  This month has flown by!

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