Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 324

I didn't go to sleep early enough last night.   Just kept finding things to do.   Someday I will figure out how to clean the kitchen before bed and go to bed on time.   I like going to sleep when my hubby does, It's a good thing.

Breakfast:   toast with pb and a banana a little carnation in milk.
Exercise:  Was supposed to work with the trainer today but it ended up being rescheduled.   I went and worked at our old business location, cleaning the floors and bathroom and windows.   For about an hour.   I then came back and after we rescheduled, I decided to coach myself today and jumped on the treadmill warming up for 10 minutes and then running.   I ran a mile at 5 mph and a 1/2 mile at 6 mph.   I walked in between and ended up going for 45 minutes.   I actually went a little further than a 1/2 was 6 minutes.

Snack:   Green smoothie,  yum.  IT tasted splendid!  I was still hungry after though so had some rice krispie treats.  
Lunch:   Leftover chicken curry.
Dinner:  Sausage on  a roll with butter, cupcakes, milk  

I had fun baking today.  :)  Cupcakes and Oatmeal Butterscotch cookies.  Yummy!

I realized today that I need to learn how to keep myself accountable.   I meet with a therapist tomorrow and hopefully will begin to learn how to be more confident and accountable as well as many other things.  I am rather nervous, and yet looking forward to it.   Myabe I am a little sadistic.  

Tomorrows plan.

toast with pb and a banana
Green smoothie. 
7 layer bean dip  Cupcake
Veggies with ranch
Chicken Pot Pie.  I figure I might not want to cook much so it's a freezer meal to the rescue!

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