Friday, October 2, 2015

NoSpendTober Day 2

I admit I almost wanted to give up today.   Especially when my hubby called saying he wanted to take a road trip tomorrow.   Normally I would go stock up on snacks and treats.  So maybe this is a good thing for me.   It reminded me that I hadn't bought bottled water a week ago when I was thinking about it.  I did go to the store and get a present for my son's friend's birthday party.  All of the homemade things I could think of would have worked for a girl.  :)   I also grabbed a case of water while I was there.   A lesson was learned though.  I was running late so had to get a bag to wrap the present in instead of wrapping it with the paper we already had at home.  That was $5 I could have saved...

I had fun making dinner and cupcakes this evening.   I had all the stuff I needed...and this wasn't even planned.  I neglected to start the uncooked chicken so used some that was cooked and frozen previously.   Turned out tasty. 
The items from one drawer in my cupboard.  It was rather overloaded!

Today's assignment is to go through the pantry and freezer and catalog everything so that you know what you have to work with.   If you are going to be using what you have on hand it is a good idea to know what you have.  :)   I cleaned out one cupboard and started another.   Found a lot of stuff I forgot about.  But we have tons of chocolate.  I like to make fudge and have enough chocolate to make a ton!   I have a feeling our sweet tooth will still be quite happy.  :)

I didn't make it to the freezers...Oh that will be interesting.   So I will do those in the coming days. Along with my official pantry.  I decluttered that a few months ago, but it looks like I will need to do it again.

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