Monday, October 5, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 315

Today has been a good day.  Hubby and I had a long talk last night about my fears and the near future.   It helped to air things out.  It really is funny how things seem so much more difficult when you don't talk about it.   Swimming in my head things are a lot scarier than when I talk about them out loud. 

ITs been a busy day, but I feel like I 've had energy and have been clearer of mind than the last few weeks.  I'm glad for that!

Blood sugar:  85---I still have a hard time believing it!

Breakfast:  Oatmeal
Exercise.  Jonathans workout from Friday.  Pushups,  cardio on the step and plank
Snack:  smoothie
Lunch:   Toaster strudel and a piece of cheese
Snack:   PB crackers
Dinner:  Hamburgers beans and a hotdog.

So not enough veggies

almost enough water.   12k + steps.   Feeling a bit in the zone. :)
I even made cookies and didn't eat any.   Wasn't really hungry actually and just didn't want one.

Tomorrow's plan
Breakfast:  Yogurt, fruit and granola
Snack:  smoothie
Lunch:  Spaghetti
Snack:  Orange and cheese or nuts
Dinner:  Shirley cazier's chicken.

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