Thursday, October 1, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 311

Blood Sugar this morning was 86!!  86!!  did I say 86??  YES~!   What a beautiful number!  I feel I have made great progress and hope that as I head to the doctor in the next month I will have an A1c that shows that progress! :)

I had another day where I just felt distracted.  I had great plans to get my morning stuff done and feel productive, cleaning house,etc.  But it never happened.  I watched my sister in laws kids for a couple hours and spent time working on the Living Well Spend Zero Challenge.    I decided that I am going to make it so I am working on a strict budget and see what happens.   My plan is to live off the food we already have instead of buying more.  Plan menus and try to stay out of the stores as much as possible.   I am cutting myself off of internet shopping.   It is a dangerous thing!  I am going to get a stitch fix though.  It will be my only one until maybe December.  (I may get a Christmas gift for myself...)

Started with yogurt, blueberries and granola
Green Smoothie
Mello cream pumpkins. (I snacked on these all day)

I got 14k steps, walked on the treadmill for 50 minutes at 3.5 mph.  (my exercise) Tried to do some pushups and plank...wasn't in the mode today.  We have the fit test tomorrow so I am hoping that I am in the groove in the morning!

Plan for tomorrow:
egg muffin from freezer
chicken and salad with noodles
Hawaiian Haystacks.

I had not planned on going to the store, but forgot I had already told hubby I was and he was expecting me to grab some things for the office.  I did curb my spending though and only spent $30 on stuff for us.   That is an amazing feat at Costco!

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