Monday, October 26, 2015

NoSpendtober day 26

Today is plan a free date night day.   Hubby and I did this without really planning it ahead.  It is nice when it works out even though you didn't make it a plan.   I made my easy turkey dinnerAdd to Plan to Eat  (I found a turkey breast in my freezer that I thinly sliced for sandwiches)   It was yummy.   We watched a movie and talked for a while as the kids watched some of their shows.   We all went to bed early...which was really nice.  I didn't get all the dishes done, but oh well.

I had my stitch fix show up.  I ordered one as my hubby and I were invited to a concert on Thursday and I really wanted something new to wear.  (I know, clothes are something I am not supposed to buy so I am really cheating!)   Everything is really cute, but I am not sure I like it on me.  So I am taking my time and making sure I love everything before going through the checkout.   That is something I love about stitchfix.  I can take my time and try it with things in my closet before I make a final decision.

My son brought home a flyer for school pictures.  They are on Wednesday.   I think it is good to have the class picture, so will be probably purchase the smallest package. 

I didn't go shopping today and in fact did some figuring.   My spending is currently 1/4th of normal.  I took out the trip and the reimbursable stuff from my calculations.  It feels good to have spent so little!

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